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Intervento di Stefano D'Amelio durante l'Assemblea dei Soci SOIPA, 18 giugno 2021
The General Assembly of the members of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SoIPa) has expressed deep concern and indignation for the never-ending and unjustified condition of imprisonment in
Egyptian jail of Patrick Zaki, a Master student at the Alma Mater University of Bologna. Patrick is at his second year of preventive imprisonment, without a defined accusation and in poor physical
and psychological conditions.
Patrick's story brings to mind the tragic and terrible assassination of Giulio Regeni. Regarding both the death of Regeni and the forced imprisonment of Patrick, we are fully convinced of the moral
duty of 'all' individuals and organizations (including scientific societies) not to remain indifferent. Therefore, the Assembly of SoIPa invites the World Federation of Parasitologists and the European Federation of Parasitologists to adhere to the strong and loud request of the immediate release of Patrick and his return to his usual student and researcher life in Bologna.
The President of the Italian Society of Parasitology
Prof. Fabrizio Bruschi