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• Activities of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Parasites in 2018. Scientific director: Edoardo Pozio. Fundedy by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Health and Consumers).
• Molecular Epidemiology studies on the pathways of transmission and long lasting capacity to prevent cystic echinococcosis infection (EULAC-Health: PERITAS). 2018-2022. Principal investigator: Adriano Casulli. Funded by the European Commission and MoHs.
• Development of New Diagnostic and Treatment Options for Helminthic Neglected Diseases (ERANet-LAC 2: NDTND). 2017-2020. Principal investigator: Adriano Casulli. Funded by the European Commission and MoHs.
• Aedes Invasive Mosquitoes COST ACTION. 2018-2022. Principal investigator: Alessandra della Torre. Funded by the European Commission (H2020 grant CA17108).
• Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants (COMBAR) COST ACTION. Principal investigator: Johannes Charlier; Leader for Working Group 1: Laura Rinaldi. Funded by the European Commission (H2020 grant CA16230).
• Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system (NEXTFOOD). 2018- 20122. Principal investigator: Martin Melin. Leader for University of Bologna: Marialetizia Fioravanti. Funded by the European Commission (H2020 grant 771738).
• Advanced tools and research strategies for parasite control in European farmed fish (PARAFISHCONTROL). 2015-2020. Principal investigator: Ariadna Sitjà-Bobadilla, Leader for University of Bologna: Marialetizia Fioravanti. Funded by the European Commission (H2020).
• Consumer driven production: integrating innovative approaches for competitive and sustainable performance across the Mediterranean aquaculture value chain (PerformFISH). 2017-20122. Principal investigator: Katerina Moutou, Leader for University of Bologna: Marialetizia Fioravanti. Funded by the European Commission (H2020).
• Empowering functional genomics of Anopheles gambiae through inversion genotyping. 2017-22. Principal investigator: Nora Besansky, Notre Dame University, USA, Co-PI: Alessandra della Torre. Funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH, USA, GRANT R01A125360).
• Expert assistance on drafting the main EUSR Zoonoses 2017 – Chapters: Trichinella, Echinococcus and Toxoplasma. Principal investigator: Edoardo Pozio. Funded by the European Food Safety Agency (NP/EFSA/BIOCONTAM/2018/04).
• Fish stock identification in Alboran Sea and adjacent waters (TRANSBORAN). 2018-2019. Principal investigator: Manuel Hidalgo, Leader for WP “Parasitological survey and use of parasites as biological markers of target fish species”: Simonetta Mattiucci. Funded by FAO-COPEMED.